湿度传感器已被广泛应用于日常生活、农业领域等的湿度监测。然而,传统的传感器由于尺寸大、基底坚硬,并不适用于可穿戴设备。本文,北京理工大学范绪阁 教授、Jie Ding,中北大学张文栋 教授等在《ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces》期刊发表名为“Fully Flexible Humidity Sensor with Fast Response and High Responsivity Based on rGO/MoS2 for Human Respiration Monitoring and Nontouch Switches”的论文,研究报告了一种基于还原氧化石墨烯(rGO)/MoS2复合材料的PI基底上的快速响应、高灵敏度和全柔性湿度传感器,在 11% RH-95% RH的相对湿度范围内,响应时间为0.65秒,灵敏度为96.7%。通过将制备的柔性湿度传感器与柔性印刷电路集成,实现了完全柔性的可穿戴设备,并成功应用于人体呼吸监测、运动监测和非触摸开关。这些结果表明,rGO/MoS2复合材料是湿度传感的良好候选材料,具有应用于可穿戴设备和非触摸开关领域的潜力。
图1. (a) rGO/MoS2 复合材料和基于 rGO/MoS2 的柔性湿度传感器的制备过程示意图。(b-d) 放大后的纯 rGO 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)图像。(e-g)纯 MoS2 放大后的扫描电子显微镜图像。(h-j)rGO/MoS2 复合材料(r-M1.5)放大后的扫描电子显微镜图像。
图2. XPS spectra of (a) Mo 3d, (b) S 2p, and (c) C 1s in MoS2 and rGO/MoS2, respectively.
图3、(a) Resistance response of the prepared devices based on r-M1.5, pure rGO, and pure MoS2 in the consecutive cycles of humidity experiments; (b) comparison of responsivity, response time, and recovery time of the prepared devices based on r-M1, r-M1.5, r-M2, r-M3, r-M4, pure rGO, and pure MoS2, respectively. (c) Extraction of response time (0.65 s) and recovery time (14.4 s) of the device based on r-M1.5. (d) Comparison of the response/recovery time of the device based on r-M1.5 with previous reports.
图4. (a) Cycle humidity measurements with the change of the relative humidity between 11% RH and 95% RH. (b) Hysteresis measurement of a device based on r-M1.5. (c) Humidity step experiments of a device based on r-M1.5. (d) Fitting of responsivities of a device in (c) versus relative humidity.
图5. Schematic diagram of humidity sensing mechanism of the prepared flexible humidity sensors based on the rGO/MoS2 composite, including the adsorption process of water molecules on the surface of the rGO/MoS2 composite.
图6. (a,b) Application of the device based on r-M1.5 for human respiration and finger proximity experiment, respectively. (c) Photograph of a mask integrated with a fully flexible wearable device for human respiration monitoring. (d) Human respiration monitoring in the processes of sitting and running by wearing the mask in (c). (e) Photograph of a fully flexible wearable device integrated with FPC for the application of a nontouch switch. (f) Data of resistance response acquired by the computer as the finger was close to and away from the prepared device periodically.
本研究采用一种简单、环保的方法制备了基于 rGO/MoS2 的柔性湿度传感器。并实现了基于不同摩尔比的 rGO/MoS2 复合材料的柔性湿度传感器。基于 r-M1.5的柔性湿度传感器表现出最佳的湿度传感性能,包括 96% 的高响应率、0.65秒的短响应时间和14.4秒的恢复时间、优异的重复性和相对较好的线性度。实验证明,器件弯曲引起的电阻变化相对较小,基本不影响器件的湿度传感。最终,基于r-M1.5制备的器件与 FPC 集成,实现了完全柔性的可穿戴湿度传感器,成功应用于人体呼吸监测和非接触式开关。这些成果将有助于开发基于二维材料及其衍生物的柔性可穿戴湿度传感器。